What Is GOLS Mattress Certification?

What Is GOLS Mattress Certification?


GOLS certified latex is labeled with Licensee/ client number, reference to “Global organic latex Standard, grading Category, and product name.


Environmental management includes Waste and Pollution Management, the company must maintain a written environmental policy, including responsible person for waste and pollution management, plan indicating strategies to reduce reuse and recycle waste. These include Waste water treatments, and energy & water conservation


Any company seeking certification must meet Risk assessment by maintaining a written risk assessment appropriate for the condition of the processing unit. The company shall handle a written Health and Safety and Hygienic policy and procedures of the risk assessment, including, accident and emergency procedures, safe and Hygienic working conditions. Child labor There must be no new recruitment of child labor, and workers have the right to join or form trade unions of their own choice.


Salary, Wages and benefits paid for a standard working week or month should meet at a minimum national legal standards or industry benchmark standards, whichever is higher. Working hours shall comply with national laws and benchmark industry standards whichever affords greater protection as well as no discrimination.


At least once a year, the certification body must make a full physical inspection of the processing. It will cover all processing steps and documentation can be on sample base.

Definitions within the GOLS Certification:

  • Organic Raw material: Organic raw materials (or org Organic Raw material) are grown without the use of toxic and persistent pesticides or fertilizers, genetic modifications, sewage sludge. It should be certified from accredited certification body.
  • Organic In conversion: Natural Rubber Latex or Fiber Organic In conversion e must grow organically for between two and three years (depend on the Organic standard) before receiving the Organic certification. During this time, Natural Rubber Latex or fiber is called “Organic In Conversion”
  • Latex: This may be natural or synthetic, which is the stable dispersion of polymer micro particles in an aqueous medium
  • Latex Foam: Foam rubber/Latex Foam refers to rubber that has been manufactured with foaming agent
  • GMO: Genetically Modified Organism is an organism w GMO: hose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. These techniques, generally known as recombinant DNA technology, use DNA molecules from different sources, which are combined into one molecule to create a new set of genes.
  • Fumigants: Fumigants: Fumigation is a method of pest control that completely fills an area with gaseous pesticides—or fumigants—to suffocate or poison the pests within
  • Accreditation: A process by third party entities ar Accreditation e evaluated and endorsed to conduct certification activities in connection with a given standard.
  • Final Product: The product which directly goes to the consumer
  • Transaction Certificate: Certificate supplied by the Transaction Certificate Organic certifier, by confirming the particular product has been produced as per the specific standard. This will issued whenever the ownership changing of the Organic products, Raw material, or partly finished product or else transferring between two units
  • Biological raw material: Another term for “Organic” Biological raw material . Any place which use the word “Organic” can be replace with “Biological”
  • Child: Any person less than 15 years age Child
  • Child Labor: Any work performed by a child younger Child Labor: than the age specified above
  • Young Worker: Any worker over the age of a child as Young Worker: per above and under the age of 18
  • Company: An organization or business entity
  • Responsible Company: responsible for implementing the requirement of the standard
  • Wage: Wage is given to workers
  • Collective Bargaining: Collective Bargaining:A contract for labour negotiated between an employer and worker organization
  • Worker Organization: A voluntary association of workers organized for the purpose of maintaining and improving their terms of employment and work place condition.
  • Discrimination: Any preference based on colour, rel Discrimination: igion, ethnic group, cast, political opinion, nationality , gender, that causes equality of opportunities or treatment of employees
  • Labour: All works or service that a person has not offered to do voluntarily and is made to do under the threat of punishment.
  • Contractor/Sub Contractor: An organization which provide the company with goods or services

Global Organic Latex Standard

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